Stay connected: AirlineSim on Twitter

Written by martin published on October 01, 2009 in News

There are often tiny bits of information that are not worth to publish a news post or to create a new thread on the forums for. Nevertheless these information might be useful, intersting and/or important to you. These could be small bugfixes outside of the regular patch cycle, technical hick-ups or noteworthy events in the community. To make it easy for you to follow these things when you don't happen to be a big chatter, we have created an account with Twitter. We will keep this stream updated with all these small things you'd miss otherwise.

As we are at it: You might have noticed the new "Follow us" box on the right side of the page. There are other networks we and our fans are using and we will try to complete the content of this box over time. If you happen to be an active member of a social network or similar site and you run an AirlineSim group or community there, please let us know and we'll be happy to add a link to it. You know where to find us ;)