Holiday Countdown 2009

Written by martin published on December 02, 2009 in News

AirlineSim's first "international year" is slowly coming to an end. And whenever a year is over it's time for presents! Of course this is also the case for our favourite airline simulation, except that we want to have some fun on top. So for this year's holdiday special we have decided to host three quizzes on December the 6th, 13th and 20th respectively. The different quizzes will cover various topics from the world of AirlineSim, including aviation and the game itself. Every single quiz will be announced again here and via all other channels (like Facebook or Twitter) whenever they are online, including details on how to participate. They will take place on the forums which you easily access as soon as you have created an Aquila account.

So what about the presents? We are happy to announce that paysafecard is supporting this year's holiday special: On any of the three days we will give away paysafecard vouchers, each valued at 10 Euro, to five lucky participants who found the correct answers! You can use those at any outlet that accepts paysafecard...including AirlineSim of course!

That said we are looking forward to this year's holiday season and hope you enjoy yours as well...wherever on the globe you might be located and what festival it is you are celebrating! Happy holidays!