Upgrade to AirlineSim 1.5 completed

Written by martin published on July 20, 2010 in News

We are happy to announce that the upgrade of all five game worlds to AirlineSim's latest version 1.5 went about smoothly and has been completed successfully. At this point I'd like to express our sincere appreciation for the work that has been put into this endeavour by our team of supporters! Without their countless hours of work on things like the completely revised tutorial for AirlineSim 1.5, we wouldn't have been able to achieve what we have reached today. Also, we'd like to thank the many testers who looked for and reported issues during the alpha and beta testing stage. We are confident that the effort of all who participated in achieving this milestone will pay off as the best version of AirlineSim that has existed to this day!

A few more words about the patch itself and the further actions: Even though AS 1.5 has been tested for a very long time, small issues right after launch are to be expected. If you come across any problems, please report them to our support address (support@airlinesim.aero) or on the forums. Currently known issues include wrong timezones for airports within sub-hour timezones (like India, 4.5h) and a problem affecting the new FRS that rates direct connections worse than multi-segment flights. We will look after these and any other issues as soon as possible and will issue hotfixes respectively.

We hope you enjoy AirlineSim 1.5! Have fun!