AirlineSim’s Christmas Fundraiser

Written by martin published on November 30, 2010 in News

With the launch of version 1.5 and several new game worlds, 2010 has been an exciting year for AirlineSim. Our usual modus operandi for the looming Christmas season would be to run some games and giveaways for our loyal playerbase. And although we still want to give something back to the community, this year we thought we’d go about it in a slightly different way.

More specifically, we got to thinking: simply giving away credits is a nice gesture, but it’s not really anything more than that. While we all play the day away on the Internet, from the comfort of our homes, there are people who can’t be sure where their next meal is coming from; while we direct our airline empires from the ground, the real world’s air and seas are menaced by pollution and climate change; while we grumble about hidden costs when booking a flight, many others are only too aware of the hidden costs of political dissent. So, while we want to reward our players, we’d also love to encourage everyone to help out a little over Christmas.

For this reason, we’re going to be running a special AirlineSim fundraiser: Anyone making a donation to a charitable organisation working in the fields of human rights, environmental and climate protection or humanitarian assistance between the 1st and 24th of December may forward us a copy of their receipt (to In return, we will reimburse the donor with AirlineSim game credits worth 5x the amount donated. Whether it’s a small neighbourhood project or a global organisation doesn’t matter: every donation counts!

We look forward to your commitments, and we hope we can give away plenty of credits!

Small Print

1. To prevent abuse, we can only accept a maximum of one receipt per account.

2. A scan of the receipt sent to our support address,, is sufficient proof of a donation - paper copies aren’t necessary.

3. For donations made via PayPal, bank transfers or other digital payment methods, a screenshot of the payment confirmation and a contact address or website of the organization should be provided.

4. We reserve the right to audit recipients of donations, and will not provide reimbursements to projects or groups found not to be serious charitable organisations.

5. The amount of credits reimbursed is based on the donated amount in EUR. Recent exchange rates will be applied if required.