From today, we offer a new payment method. Since in many countries credit cards or PayPal are not common means of payment, we decided to provide a way to use your cellphone to purchase credits. To do so we employ the infrastructure of MoPay, a renowned provider of mobile payment solutions. So if neither one of our prepaid providers nor any other payment method is available to you or in your country check whether a mobile payment is possible.
A few important notes concerning the new payment method:
- Mobile payments are not available in all countries either. For now
we have implemented the following countries: Australia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Singapore, Ukraine, Great Britain
- We will add more countries later on. If you are missing one in
particular, please let us know!
- Mobile carriers provide specific price points that are available for
payments within their networks. Because of this, not all package sizes can be paid by phone but only those with a price close enough to the provided price points. If you want to pay with your mobile make sure to check the different package sizes.
- Since carriers take a large share of the amount paid by the
customer, mobile payments are a rather expensive means of payment. That's why credits bought employing this method are usually pricier compared to the offers we provided so far.