Payment news...aplenty!

Written by martin published on May 12, 2011 in News

Today, paying for your credits has once again become a lot easier. We have integrated a total of three new payment methods for you as well as activated several new countries for Ukash prepaid cards. Find all the details you need below!

New payment method 1: Online Transfers

This payment method allows you to initiate a bank transfer online. The payment is executed immediately and we receive the payment confirmation right away. Consequently, the payment process is as brief as that of a credit card payment.

Online transfers are available in these countries: Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland. Please note that some banks do not offer the required interface for this payment method.

New payment method 2: Prepayment

This method is similar to Online Transfers but differs in the fact that you pay via a a regular bank transfer. The advantage: You can use your bank account even if your bank does not support online transfers. The disadvantage: It might take a few hours or days until we receive the payment and your credits are available.

Prepayment is available in all Euro-countries. If your bank supports SWIFT transfers in EUR it might even be possible to use this method outside of Europe or in non-EUR countries.

New payment method 3: Pay-by-Call

If you neither possess a credit card nor a bank account, this payment method might come in handy. It allows you to pay for your credits using your fixed line phone. Please note that this is a rather expensive means of payment, especially outside of Germany. Depending on country it might still be cheaper than mobile payments though.

Pay-by-Call is available in these countries: Germany, Belgium, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden, Slovakia, Spain, Czech Republic and Hungary.

UKash: Extended list of countries

UKash is a prepaid card that can be purchased at many outlets worldwide. As such it can be paid for in cash and allows for completely anonymous online payments. Since we have activated plenty of new countries for this payment method, see the following list to check whether UKash is available in your country.

Europe: UK, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Slovenia, Cyprus, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary

Middle East: KSA, UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Yemen, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Israel

Africa: South Africa, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Ghana, Nigeria

Asia: China, Malaysia

North America: Canada

South America: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay, Bolivia, Mexico

Oceania: Australia, New Zealand