Two communities become one

Written by martin published on May 24, 2011 in News

As you might know, AirlineSim has been in existence since long before the first international game world started in 2009. In fact, AirlineSim was founded almost 10 years ago, as a purely German-language hobby project, and has since developed into the game it is today. The division of the game into separate German and international communities occurred for contractual reasons, rather than resulting from any desire to split the playerbase.

This June, however, this community split will come to an end! As we will be saying goodbye to our German publisher, we will have the ability to merge our German and international communities under one roof - both administratively and technically, giving us an integrated support and administrative structure for the first time - and, naturally, we'll be taking the opportunity to do just that.

There are plenty of advantages for both the players and us in this deal: First of all, all players - independent of their language - will be able to use any of our game worlds! When we make the switch (probably on June 18th), there will be a total of 7 game worlds available, with an 8th and more being added in the near future. We will set up a new discussion board* with both language-specific and common areas which will only require a single login and give access to the latest information to all players at the same time. Last but not least, the overhead caused by running two completely independent systems will be reduced considerably so we will have more time for what's most important: Working on AirlineSim!

If you currently only have an international account, you won't have to do anything. We will let you know as soon as the new forums are ready, but beyond that everything will mostly remain the same for you. In case you also call a German account your own, please refer to the more elaborate announcement on our German page for more in-depth information.

* The current forums will be set to read-only and kept available for future reference.