July news round-up

Written by martin published on July 12, 2012 in News

New aircraft market inbound!

The past few weeks we've been busy developing one of the first major parts of our complete "aircraft system overhaul": A new second-hand aircraft market, rebuilt from the ground up. We want to let you know that this new feature has now been moved to "staging" which means it's undergoing final testing and translation for an imminent release. Stay tuned and make sure to follow our development log-book for up-to-date and in-detail information!

AirlineSim drink-ups in Frankfurt and Zurich

We've organized two drink-ups for Saturday, July 14th. If you feel like meeting some AirlineSim devs and fellow players this week-end, here are the details:

  • Frankfurt: 11:00 at train station "Sportfeld" (from there we'll head

to the Waldgeist and the airport for some spotting)

Mallorca 2012: Don't forget to sign up!

There are just about two months left until we meet on Mallorca to celebrate AirlineSim's 10th anniversary! Make sure to book your travels/accommodations and to sign up in time! You can find all the details on our special event page.