Gatow: 11 years, 11 game worlds

Written by martin published on February 01, 2013 in News

This January AirlineSim was 11 years old and coincidentally, our new game world started today is our 11th one. It is named after the former British airport of Berlin, Gatow. As previously announced, this game world runs a standard configuration just like Pearls and Meigs with a limit of 1 holding per user.

It might be worth mentioning that this is the first launch with the new Aircraft Market in place from the beginning. So it will be interesting to see how prices of used aircraft will develop over the first weeks. Will you use the rather expensive "immediate purchase" to make sure to have plenty of capacity available directly at launch? Will you engage in bid-wars over popular models? Or will you simply order brand-new metal straight from the manufacturer, accepting the required delivery times?

Whichever strategy you choose, have fun in the Gatow game world! You find it by clicking HERE.