Roll-Out of Aspern Features on Dec 17th

Written by martin published on December 09, 2013 in News

On December 17th 2013, most of the new features known from the launch of Aspern will be implemented on all other game worlds.

New Seating Editor

Finally, the new graphical cabin editor will be introduced. Old configurations will stay, but can no longer be created or applied. When scrapping old seats, the value will be refunded. Please note, that seat ratings are completely new and therefore the rating of your flights may change! To anticipate the usage of more space for very attractive seats, standard prices for business and first class have been raised. Please prepare your airline for the rating changes by setting aside some cash, allowing you to react to any booking fluctuations after the patch.

Data Patch

A lot of new airports have been added, airport data has been revised and the demand for Europe has been updated. Have a look at the PDF for all changes.

This PDF lists all new airports.

As for aircraft, some new ones have been added while some older models are no longer produced. For some aircraft types, buggy fuel burn figures have been adjusted. If you operate these types, this may lead to higher costs and to slightly changed performance parameters! Find all affected types in this PDF.