2/3/2022 - News
You’ve read the title – as 2022 is the year of the twentieth AirlineSim anniversary, we want to use the opportunity to connect with our players and organize a community meetup! We already announced the event in our previous blog post and are now in the middle of finding a suitable location and date for our celebration. Of course, we have to take the current pandemic into account, which is where you come in!
Written by lena
1/12/2022 - News
Welcome back, everyone!
Written by lena
12/24/2021 - News
As the end of the year is almost here we want to take the time and provide a quick recap of what went on with AirlineSim in 2021. We will also add some information on what's in store for the game in the upcoming year, so stay tuned!
Written by lena
12/20/2021 - News
2021 is coming to a close and so is our game world Bleriot II. But no worries: As the last launch of the year, the third iteration of Bleriot is going live today!
Written by lena
12/3/2021 - News
After seeing your feedback and the lively discussion surrounding the future of AirlineSim, we are very excited that we can finally share the project that we have started working on: The AirlineSim Technology Demonstrator, or short, ASTD!
Written by martin
11/19/2021 - News
The time has come for another launch: Today, we are happy to announce that the game world Domination is going for a third run!
Written by lena