8/11/2009 - News
Patch to Version 1.3.19b
Nicosia just received a small patch including the first of some changes
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8/11/2009 - News
Nicosia just received a small patch including the first of some changes
8/7/2009 - News
As mentioned in my last post, doing clean-up work like improving the usability and taking care of the inevitable bug-fixing and performance-tuning, is tedious. Given the prevalent temperatures and the fact that it's Friday I decided this afternoon to pick up some stuff I haven't touched in many months but which is a heck lot more fun than doing the stuff mentioned above: Developing AirlineSim 1.4. This post will be geared a little towards the tech-savvy so it might not be of interest to everyone.
8/5/2009 - News
The last couple of weeks have been a stressful time for the team and me. Everybody was working towards the launch of the first international server and basically put aside most other tasks that need to be taken care of. Now that it has been 3 days since the extremely smooth start of Nicosia we finally find the time to take a look at other things again. The first thing that came to my mind on monday was usability. A friend of mine who had never played AirlineSim before took a brief look at the game and his first impression was that it was extremely difficult for a new player to find his way into the game. It's simple things that make it difficult: realizing that you need to have an airline to open a branch office, knowing that your airline request has to be screened by a member of our support team, entering the correct airport codes when requesting it and getting the correct error message if you don't. Most of these issues are mentioned somewhere in the tutorial or in the game itself, some aren't. Either way, all these tiny issues make it difficult to get started quickly and easily and might scare off any new player who's not a die-hard aviation geek.
8/2/2009 - News
Let's keep it short and simple: Our first international game server will
7/30/2009 - News
Today we were finally able to activate our payment provider for Visa,
7/19/2009 - News
Today we have decided on a relase date for our very first international