11/14/2023 - News
Scheduled Downtime on 21 November 2023
Hey everyone,
Follow this space for regular updates and news from our team.
11/14/2023 - News
Hey everyone,
10/31/2023 - News
Would you board flight number thirteen? Especially on today's date? If not and you'd rather spend a day managing your airline's perfectly safe and non-scary flight operations, why not get a bunch of frighteningly cheap credits to pumpkin-spice-latte-sweeten the deal?
9/27/2023 - News
Hi everyone! We're back from summer break, so let's greet the new season by introducing our short-term server Junkers V!
8/24/2023 - News
Hey everyone! As most of the team will be out-of-office until September, we wanted to use the time before summer break to share another news log with you. Let's dive right in!
8/21/2023 - News
With summer break right around the corner, we're excited to introduce our new short-term server Yeager VIII!
7/31/2023 - News
As mentioned in our AirlineSim event announcement post, the next iteration of our short-term server Quimby is starting today, so let's see what the new game world is all about!