12/27/2017 - News
Just in time before the new year, we will upgrade our payment system to a completely new implementation. This has to happen mostly for technical and accounting reasons but also has a few implications for end-users. As such, I have summarized the key facts about the switch below.
Written by martin
12/19/2017 - News
It’s almost Christmas - and we’ve got an early present for you! We know many people wished for a new new long-term game world, so we’re launching a new one today!
Written by martin
12/15/2017 - News
As an independent developer of business simulation MMOs, simulogics has been around for more than a decade. Now we are expanding with our new title Prosperous Universe (prosperousuniverse.com) to be released in 2018 and we’re looking for someone to bring our communications and community management game up to par!
Written by martin
11/24/2017 - News
With Christmas just one month away, here’s an early present!
Written by martin
8/30/2017 - Dev-Log
A few months have passed since our last development log so it's about time for a status update before I leave for two weeks of vacation! Work on the new booking classes feature continues slowly but steadily while some overdue work on infrastructure hinders progress a little bit.
Written by martin
7/26/2017 - News
Without much ado I just want to let you know that the 6th instance of the Quimby game worlds is now live! If you don't care about the details, you can head right over to get started here: https\://quimby.airlinesim.aero
Written by martin