
Follow this space for regular updates and news from our team.

Work in progress: Dynamic Turnaround Times

As I started to write this post, I was a bit shocked when I realized that the initial post announcing the Dynamic Turnaround and Delays (DTA) feature was written more than 4 months ago. So it’s about time for a status update and an explanation as to what in the world is taking us so long!

Update 6.2-123 or „The pilot flood“

Some of you were wondering why huge amounts of pilots were suddenly showing up on the job market. This was due to a tiny bug introduced in the last upgrade and has now been fixed. To get everything back to normal, today’s patch also took all pilots off the market again.

Update 6.2-122

It’s been a while since we rolled out our last maintenance patch. As usual, this one also consists mostly of bugfixes and minor changes. The past weeks have been quite sluggish in general as we’ve been working on other projects a lot, including the recent adjustments to our backend and portal systems. Either way, work on Dynamic Turnaround Times and Delays will continue this week and we hope to have further news about this soon.

Infrastructure upgrades this week

We are working on two necessary infrastructure upgrades this week that might cause a few temporary downtimes. Please keep an eye on our Twitter account where we’ll post about our progress and any unexpected problems or delays. Find all details below.

You can now buy credits using Bitcoin

Not everyone has a credit card and in many countries, credit cards are the only way to use PayPal. So for a large percentage of the world’s population, the two most common payment methods are not an option. And if none of our other, quite Europe-centric payment options is available in your country, you’re out of luck.

Update 6.2-106

This small upgrade mostly adds another batch of new aircraft sheer plans. At this point I’d like to take the opportunity to thank the small team of people who’ve been voluntarily providing these awesome, high-quality images for years now. In my opinion, they add a lot to make the otherwise rather dry and abstract AirlineSim a bit more „tangible“, if you know what I mean. The original sheer plans in the „current“ style were created by CarlosSRD. Later on, helios provided many missing images. Most recently, pleurotides joined the ranks and is currently filling remaining gaps with own creations and modifications of existing material. Thanks a lot guys :)